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fine art painting by Nina Kuznetsova soon will be available worldwide


Nina Kuznetsova

ButterflyWing (2019) Acrylic on canvas 12 x 12"

Nina Kuznetsova

Continuity (2018) 12 x 36" mixed media on canvas

Nina Kuznetsova

Crimea (2007) oil on paper APX 50×50 cm When you look at the Crimea peninsula from the airplane, you see a fish

Nina Kuznetsova

Angel 8 (Angels series) (2007) Mixed media on paper 40×40 cm

Nina Kuznetsova

Angel 5 (2007) mixed media on paper APX 55×70 cm

Nina Kuznetsova

A seagull (2013) acrylic on canvas APX 39×49 cm (Original and limited edition art prints available)

Nina Kuznetsova

All the way to the end of the Earth (2017) mixed media 14×18 inches (In private collection. Canada) The tree of history only partly reveals cultural symbols of particular time. “The countries beyond the horizon and at the end of the earth have all become subjects and to the most western of the western or the most northern of the northern countries however far they may be” - Admiral Zheng He at Ch’ang Lo on the banks of the Yangtze in 1431 (Gavin Menzies “The Year China Discovered the World”)

All Rights Reserved by the artist, Nina Kuznetsova, 2021

No content of this website may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including copying, photocopying, downloading images, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without a prior written permission of the artist, except in the case of direct link to this website and acknowledgement of the artist's name, or direct link to Instagram account, and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to Nina, addressed “Attention: Use of website content" at

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